Fitness Friday: The Bottom Line

Fitness Friday: The Bottom Line

From a health perspective, we’re all the same in that we all need to eat to live. But we’re different in the ways that will work best for us to be healthy and reach weight goals. One of the most popular schools of thought is to eat 5-6 small meals per day. For me, all...
Fitness Friday: A Look Back

Fitness Friday: A Look Back

This Friday, sharing a few links from past blogs to encourage all of us on our food fitness journey. Sometimes in our walk forward it’s helpful to look back and be reminded of where we’ve been, and what we know to be true.Seven Seconds of Pleasure Is...
Fitness Friday: Combat the Cravings

Fitness Friday: Combat the Cravings

Don and I passed the 4-week mark on our new eating plan. We’ve developed sustainable new habits, yet the lure of the old favorites is still strong at times. I’d like to share 4 ways to combat the cravings when they come, using the acronym f.o.o.d. (of...

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