A few quick bio facts about me…

  • Met the Lord in 1992 – was saved and baptized and have followed Him wholeheartedly ever since. Most of what you hear from me comes from my daily journey with Jesus…and lots and lots of pondering!
  • Met and married Don, my amazing gift from God, in 2000.
  • No children, just cats. We got our current 2 cats – Tiger and Teddy – as kittens in November, 2022.
  • Worked in the IT field most of my career, and still work from home a few hours a week as a consultant.
  • Write for Warrenton Lifestyle magazine as a freelance journalist.
  • Work at the polls as an Election Officer.

Choice is one of the most important gifts the Lord gave to all of us. My passion is to help others grow in their walk with the Lord through making more consistent and intentional choices, so that they can become and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).

My personal testimony – the good, the bad, and the ugly – along with practical biblical teaching is how I communicate God’s truth and encouragement. For over 30 years I’ve shared at women’s retreats, conferences, blogs, social media, books, Bible studies…and wherever else the Lord gives me an opportunity. If you like short, easy-to-read, relatable books with a to-the-point message, then my books and messages are for you!

Everything I share is intended to encourage you, my readers, that what God has done for me and is doing in me, He longs to do for you, if you are willing to choose to do things His way (John 8:31-32). The journey is not about perfection, it’s about direction. Keep moving forward, keep learning, and keep applying what you learn to your life. Remember, the choice to follow Jesus every step of the way is always yours to make…or not.

When I’m not working or writing, you’ll find me enjoying outdoor or travel time with Don, hunkered down with a good book, spending quality time with family and friends, or serving at church. Wherever I am, you can bet my mind is busy pondering!



Below is a list of speaking topics. Any of these can be modified to meet your needs. Please contact me if you are interested in any of these topics for a seminar, lunch, retreat, or other event.

What’s in your Pack?

Have you ever felt weighed down by the cares of this world? Burdened by mistakes from your past that you just can’t seem to let go? Worried about what the future might hold? Or just plain worn out by trying to be everything to everyone? In this teaching I share what the Lord revealed about (1) the burdens we carry, (2) how to let go, (3) how to stay free, and (2) why freedom is important.

Finding the Missing Something

Using physical fitness analogies to teach spiritual principles, I share how we can start a relationship with Jesus, and progress from the world’s ways to God’s ways so our faith is strengthened and others can see Jesus in us.

Fighting For – not With – the Ones we Love

Are your relationships burdened with offense, unforgiveness, and misunderstandings? I share principles about how to stand firm in the Lord and fight the right enemy – the devil that prowls around like a roaring lion – thereby walking in increasing freedom and victory in your relationships with God and others.

Speaking sample (additional samples will be available on my YouTube page soon, stay tuned!)




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