Living On Purpose For God’s Purpose
How long have you tried to fill the void inside, but yet remain empty? Do you find yourself on a treadmill of trying one thing after another – relationships, jobs, things – but nothing lasts? Do you think about the meaning of not just your existence, but of life overall?
Whether you are a new believer in Jesus, curious about Christianity in general, or you need a refresher on the basics of following Jesus, this book will help you grow in your faith from where you are right now. Included are steps to help you get started, basic tools of the faith, practical tips for daily life, and personal testimonies to encourage you that living for Jesus is worth it!
Christian Indie Publishing Finalist for 2024!
Unmasking and Defeating Our Common Enemy
How can we keep from fighting with and hurting people we love most, over and over again? How do we gain and maintain peace in all our relationships?
Good questions! I imagine you’ve asked them, too. While I definitely don’t have all the answers, I had a revelation about the true source of most of the conflict in our relationships: Satan, the devil, the enemy of our souls. His mission is to steal, kill and destroy relationships, and he does this through lying to us and preying on our weaknesses. We often aid and abet Satan’s attack on our relationships when we fall for his lies and fight with our loved ones instead of for them, on their side.
When our relationships are strong and secure—first and foremost, our relationship with God—we can better show the world what God’s love looks like. We can stop fighting with people and instead unmask and fight the real enemy who is influencing them.
May the Lord bless you as you read and give you greater revelation of His ways. May you learn to stand strong and win the daily spiritual battles so you can enjoy peace in your relationships!