Monday Motivation: Conquering Fear

Monday Motivation: Conquering Fear

Last week Don and I went to Cades Cove, Tennessee to camp out and go hiking. We chose a hike that looked challenging but not overwhelming. What I didn’t know about the hike is that we had to cross a stream by rock-stepping, right at the very beginning. Last time I...
Monday Motivation: Perseverance

Monday Motivation: Perseverance

Yesterday Don and I went on a hike up to Mary’s Rock in the Shenandoah Mountains. It’s just under 2 miles up and 2 miles back. When I say, “up”, yes, that means a climb to the top.Being an experienced hiker and in much better shape than I am,...
Monday Motivation: Second Guessing

Monday Motivation: Second Guessing

As I sat on hold waiting to cancel my satellite internet, I thought back to the tech that came out only a few weeks ago to troubleshoot and fix the intermittent drop issues. I felt bad because he had to get up on the roof, which is not easy on this house, and it...

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