by Life Is Not A Formula | Aug 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Last week Don and I went to Cades Cove, Tennessee to camp out and go hiking. We chose a hike that looked challenging but not overwhelming. What I didn’t know about the hike is that we had to cross a stream by rock-stepping, right at the very beginning. Last time I...
by Life Is Not A Formula | Aug 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
We live in turbulent and unsettled times. Hatred, offense, and anger spew at us from the news, social media, and sometimes those we know and see in person. It’s so tempting to get offended and angry. It’s really hard to avoid getting caught up in...
by Life Is Not A Formula | Aug 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Yesterday Don and I went on a hike up to Mary’s Rock in the Shenandoah Mountains. It’s just under 2 miles up and 2 miles back. When I say, “up”, yes, that means a climb to the top.Being an experienced hiker and in much better shape than I am,...
by Life Is Not A Formula | Jul 13, 2020 | Faith / Trust
As I sat on hold waiting to cancel my satellite internet, I thought back to the tech that came out only a few weeks ago to troubleshoot and fix the intermittent drop issues. I felt bad because he had to get up on the roof, which is not easy on this house, and it...