Last week Don and I went to Cades Cove, Tennessee to camp
out and go hiking. We chose a hike that looked challenging but not

What I didn’t know about the hike is that we had to cross a
stream by rock-stepping, right at the very beginning. Last time I attempted
that, my shoes slipped off the rocks and were soaked for the rest of the hike. So
I did what anyone else would do in my position: I burst into tears.

I can’t do this!”

Don patiently waited for me to decide what I wanted to do –
try to cross or go the long way around. I watched him go across, then back to
me, then upstream a little to cross at an easier place. Don crossed easily, and
he had confidence that I could also cross.

“OK, I can do this…I think.”

Holding Don’s hand, I slowly crossed the stream as he led me,
one rock at a time.


Whew, OK, let’s get on with the hike.

I pondered the whole fear thing and how moving forward despite
the fear gave me victory. We often fear what we don’t know, or the worst that could
happen. In my case, it was falling and getting wet or getting hurt. I still
felt afraid but crossed anyway.

Had I let my fear stop me, I would have missed out on a
wonderful day of hiking!

Today I had Don to help me conquer my fear – he believed I
could do it and his confidence gave me strength.

There is Another who is always there for us. God promises to
never leave us or forsake us; He gives us the courage and strength to overcome
our fears.

What do you fear right now that is stopping you from moving
forward? Ask for help if you need it and resolve to move forward one step at a

So do not fear, for I
am with you;

do not be dismayed,
for I am your God.

I will strengthen you
and help you;

I will uphold you
with my righteous right hand.

(Isaiah 41:10)

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